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From Witchlet's Cauldron:

Part 2

The room finally found was a lovely one, decorated in shades of red and black, in a recently redecorated building in the Poor Quarters. Because it was owned by Zifnab, with his well-known penchant for redheads, Chrysana received a substantial break on the weekly rent, and Zif put himself and his magic at her disposal to aid in her search for her husband.

Chrysana became a common sight around Fayd, often pausing by the fountain to chat with people, or buying a round of ales in the saloon. After the first day, the blue demon was not again seen in Fayd, and if Randara was, well, none knew it. From what could be gathered, he could assume any living form that he had seen, and recreate it almost flawlessly. More than once, those gathered around her at the saloon or the cafe had the sudden, uneasy feeling that any one of them might not be who he or she seemed.

But, life continued, as it does, and other concerns took the forefront of the city's mind. There was the return of the High Priest of Rorin, Elriss Thinvar, and his publicly witnessed argument with arch-mage Kulgan, who claimed responsibility for bringing the were-god, Shaltos, into the world. There were the overtones of the Fold Elders, and the sudden resurgence of weres, the odd creatures that seemed to be half dragon and half mardhrel.. in short, there were far more current and worrisome things than a missing husband.

And so none connected it to Chrysana when Garin Stonehand was observed killing and eating the corpse of a merchant in the bazaar. A chase was mounted, but before Garin could be apprehended, Sutekh Dunestrider was found hunched over the corpse of an urchin in the Poor Quarters. When the party advanced on him, he disappeared before their eyes.. and moments later, a call for help came over the leaf net, claiming that Marion was attacking a lawkeeper on Park Avenue. Had the town and all in it gone mad?

Eventually, a party of adventurers cornered Maland on Kentaurus Avenue and circled him warily. Before they could even begin to talk, Maland's form wavered and changed before their eyes, undergoing a series of rapid changes through dozens of faces and forms, many known to them, many more unknown. With a screech of rage and terror, the... demon.. disappeared in a flash of light. Long moments passed. The party awaited further signs of trouble, then broke up to patrol the town, and found no hint of anything unusual.

An hour later, they gathered around the fountain, and Kulgan voiced the thought that had been on everyone's mind. Randara. With one mind, they all turned toward the Poor Quarters to seek out the only link they knew to him.. Chrysana.

An Exorcism

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